Why did Franklin Building Supply have Evel Knievel's tombstone?


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Jan 15, 2024

Why did Franklin Building Supply have Evel Knievel's tombstone?

Q: Why did Franklin Building Supply have Evel Knievel’s tombstone? A: Evel

Q: Why did Franklin Building Supply have Evel Knievel's tombstone?

A: Evel Knievel attempted to jump the Snake River Canyon in Twin Falls in September 1974 for $6 million. According to Franklin Building Supply's website, he purchased building materials for the ramp from Volco Inc., and gives Volco his tombstone as collateral for credit charges made.

Franklin acquired Volco Inc. in 1999. "Initial inventory discovers Evel Knievel's tombstone in storage," reports the website.

It said, "Evel Knievel dies. Relatives come looking for the tombstone given to Volco. Franklin returns it to them." He died Nov. 30, 2007. Knievel was 69.

Doctors had diagnosed Knievel with a lung disease called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. There is no cure. He was given three to five years to live. During that time, Knievel contacted his friend Alma Barry in Twin Falls and asked for a gravestone he left in her care to be shipped to him in Butte, Montana, according to the Billings Gazette on July 21, 2005.

It reported, "The white marble marker was created to generate publicity about his Snake River Canyon jump more than 30 years ago. Alma Barry and her family got to know Knievel in the seven years he took to build the ramp and plan the jump. The Barrys owned Volco Builders’ Supply and helped him build the ramp and press box. The family became such close friends with Knievel that he asked them to store the giant stone marker."

Knievel said he "worked for seven years on that jump, going to Twin Falls for a month each year and working with engineers," said the Billings Gazette.

It continued, "The Barry family sold its business to Franklin Building Supply a few decades ago and asked that the new managers watch over the marker."

"It sat in a stockroom for more than 30 years," reported the Billings Gazette.

It continued, "He said he wasn't doing too well and wanted to be buried in Butte and asked if we could send him the gravestone," Barry said. "It is a very beautiful piece. It had the date he was born and the date of the jump and his image on it and a space for in case he didn't make it over the canyon."

Knievel sent a truck to pick up the stone, reported the Billings Gazette.

It continued, Knievel was "buried next to the grandparents who raised him. Knievel was influenced to become a motorcycle daredevil when they took him to Joey Chitwood's Auto Daredevil show when Knievel was 8. But his grandparents were very much against his career choice."

His headstone reads "Robert ‘Evel’ Knievel ‘Explorer’ Motorcyclist & Daredevil. A mile long leap of the Snake River Canyon from this point on Sept. 5, 1974 employing a unique ‘sky cycle.’ A man can fall many times in life but he's never a failure if he tries to get up."

A similar-looking stone stands near the Snake River jump site.


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